About Us

Our Approach

Lebron James, Serena Williams, Naomi Osaka. Name any world-class athlete. They have a coach. Many famous business icons such as Bill Gates and Warren Buffett also have coaches. Their reasons for having a coach apply to you. That’s where I come in. 

Performance coaches for athletes and business leaders divide their focus 20/80: 20% is form and foundation; 80% is vision and mindset. We work with our clients in the same way.  

We help business leaders at all levels thrive in their current positions and ready themselves for the next level, including the development of more engaged, productive employees and teams. I help my clients shift their energy from a place of hesitation or stress to a more positive, confident and fulfilling mindset. With a specialty in the automotive industry, I work with a range of industry leaders and entrepreneurs.

Using iPEC’s unique approach called Energy Leadership™, including COR.E Leadership Dynamics™, I help my clients to discover the default tendencies, beliefs and perceptions that they have adopted over the years that have guided their decisions, actions, and business success (or lack thereof). We then explore how improved consciousness and other tools can help shift your energy into a more positive direction.

Our Process

1. Foundation
We’ll look at where you are so we can get you to where you want to go. Our foundational work will include: (1) ELI Assessment; (2) Core Values; (3) Default tendencies under stress; (4) so much more.
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2. Vision
If you don’t know where you want to go, any road will take you there. A written vision for your life and career is critical to your ability to chart your own course. Do you want to let the river push you where it wants you to go, or do you want to have your oars in the water taking your life and career in the direction you choose?
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3. Mindset/Energy Blocks
This is where some of my client’s biggest breakthroughs happen. Our harshest critic and the person who holds us back the most is, frankly, ourselves. I work with my clients to identify the real thing(s) holding them back and develop strategies for conquering them.
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4. Strategy
Once you have your vision in place and understand what might be holding you back, we’ll develop strategic methods to get you there.
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5. Skill Set
Based on the work we’ve done this is where my clients may identify skills they believe are missing. First, we’ll explore how true that belief is and, after that exploration, if those skills are truly missing, we’ll team to develop tactics to obtain them.
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We are experts in transforming business leaders into confident, purposeful, transformative leaders ready to achieve their full potential.

Business leaders from all industries strive to be successful, get promoted, make more money, and feel they are part of something meaningful.  Many are high achievers.  We work with clients to clarify their vision, identify what gaps are in the way, and then what skills and mindset is needed to achieve their goals.